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发布时间:2016/4/19 11:51:23 点击次数:0

“The 10th National Congress of Animal Nutrition Branch of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV) and the 12th Animal Nutrition Symposium ” preparation notice

The ninth session of the executive board of the animal nutrition branch of CAAV in 2015 decide that “The 10th National Congress of animal branch of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV)) and the 12th Animal Nutrition Symposium” will be held in Wuhan city, Hubei province in October 2016.The conference is co-hosted by the Wuhan Polytechnic University as the lead unit and other units.

OneThe contents of the conference

There are four main aspects : invite domestic and foreign experts make presentations and lectures about the current hotspot in the field of feed science and technology ; academic exchanges and discuss animal nutrition and feed science ; display the research results of animal nutrition and feed science in the field of cutting-edgeinnovative products and exchange the information ; hold the 10th National Congress of Animal Nutrition Branch of CAAV the 9th of three councils and Animal Nutrition Journal editorial board, etc.

TwoSession and address

The time: mid to late October 2016

The address: Wuhan city (specific address will be noticed)

Threecollection of papers

Publish two sets of papers Animal Nutrition Research Progress (2016 Edition) and The t12th Animal N The conference will Symposium Papers Set in the conference.

   A special draft of “Animal nutrition research progress (2016 Edition)”: organized by committee for the title collection and outlines, then, selected by the academic group and invited experts to write, the number no more than 6000 words, detail requirements as research paper and review articles submission of journal of animal nutrition magazine. At the same time, 800-1000 words abstracts were collected in the twelfth animal nutrition symposium papers setaccording to the magazine requirement.Papers are sent to the mailbox of Institute Secretary (dwyyxfh@163.com).

the 12th animal nutrition symposium papers set: papers are submited by the form of research report in detail.

1Content of paper: T01 pig nutrition; T02 poultry nutrition; T03 ruminant nutrition;T04 aquaculture nutrition; T05 specialty animal nutrition ; T06 feed nutrition; T07 feed safety and biological technology; T08 feed nutrition information technology; T09 animal nutrition application technology; T10 animal gastrointestinal microorganisms.

2Scope of paper: reviews and test research papers have not yet been published relationd to the above content .

3 Ppaper format: papers words should be limited 800 to 1000. Including titleauthorswork unitabstract ( research purpose and significance, experiment materials and methods,results and conclusion, etc) keywords. At the same time, attach fund projectfirst author and corresponding author information and the author's mailbox in the footer of paper, no column chartreferences (format template can be downloaded in the conference web site ).

    4Deadline: July 31, 2016 (the date received).

    5Submission: visit the conference website http://www.ananutri.com/conference or through official website of Animal Nutrition Branch of CAAV http://www.ananutri.com “animal nutrition conference” link in the upper right corner to enter the online submission, do not accept submissions by mail (opened in September 30, 2015).

(1) Register and login in the system, consult website specifically;

(2) The top of the page will appear successful login welcome message after logging in , click on the "submission" link;

(3) Click on "click to start uploading the paper and the abstract" button in the "paper submission" page, enter the paper information page;

(4) Red in font is required in the submit paper information page.

“Paper title" and "the authors of the paper”must be consistent with uploaded in the paper, if inconsistent, could cause on directory and other conference documents content don't agree with the author’s paper. When Fill out the author, separated with a space between different authors,please.

“Thesis”can not be changed once submitted, this project associate with paper number, if need to change, please contact with the conference administrator, revised paper number will be changed subsequently.

"Report form" : can be filled in according to our own will, but suggest that click on the "oral" report. "Oral" means that attend the conference and is willing to report at the venue. "Posters" means that attend the conference but do not do oral report. The "others" are someone only submission.

"Upload abstract" and "upload full text":only accept submit abstract,please upload at "upload abstract" ,click the "browse" button in the pop-up dialog box, click the "browse" button to find our own computer files, click “OK”, then click "start to upload" button, by this way,can put the details in the system; the file must be doc format of Word (Word 97-2003 format), no more than 1M.

Conference papers do not need to charge any layout fee and audit fee, "the amount of space" is to be filled in numbers, such as "0" or "200". Not to fill in orfill in other words, the system will be reported so that failure to upload papers.

(5) Submit 2 or more papers,after submit the former papers, then click on "click on the start of the paper and abstract" to upload next abstract.

(6) If need to modify the manuscript, click on the "modify the paper information" button in the top right of the page that has been submitted to the manuscript, refill in the manuscript information to modify, click on the "upload papers information" button to complete the manuscript operation.

6the paper review and receive

After the deadline , academic group will organize experts to review the papers, if be rated for “oral ”, please prepare oral report PPT, report time is limited in 10 minutes, contain Q & A; if be rated "poster" , papers will be collected in the papers set of  conference free of charge; “not be hired "means that rejected. The author can log in the system, to see the peer review at the "paper submission" (no feedback information means no review). Administrators will also notice to the authors the results by the E-mail of after review.

FourThe schedule (please notice subject to the final round)



the schedule

1st day

All day

Register report


Three plenary   session of the ninth council


Ninth standing   council

2nd  day



The opening ceremonyconference report



Chapter field   report



Tenth plenary   council meeting



Tenth standing   council

3rd  day



Chapter field   report



Chapter field   report closing ceremony


Fivethe charge standard and method of payment

1、Participants need to pay the registration fee for 1000 yuan / people (including material fee, registration fee, etc.), student representatives(certificated by student card) half conference fee (500 yuan / person), participants’ accommodation at their own expense. Take online registration, on-site payment way;

2、Recommended registration online: http: //www.ananutri.com/conferenc to ensure the quality of the general assembly and to better serve each participants .


Welcome domestic and foreign enterprises, research institutes, tertiary institutions and the relevant institutes of the vast number of members and non members to submission  actively, and to participate the conference.

Another: the conference to soliciting business sponsors to the nation. Please contact: animal nutrition branch secretariat: ZhiBin Dou, 010-62731297, 18514591297,   E-mail: ana@cau.edu.cn.

                                   Animal Nutrition branch of CAAV

                                                                            September 2015